
Dementia is a well-known and common condition. It is a state that can be humiliating and erode human dignity. Brain damage leading to a decline in mental functioning is often considered an inevitable part of aging.

However, this is not the case. Age-related dementia characterized by memory disturbances is not something that everyone is destined to experience. Dementia arises due to the clogging of coronary and brain vessels with cholesterol. The narrowing of these vessels by cholesterol dramatically reduces the oxygen supply to the brain. Specifically, blocked coronary vessels reduce or severely reduce blood supply to the heart, while thickened blood with cholesterol complicates its circulation, making it difficult to push through. The heart muscles weaken progressively. Similarly, narrowed brain vessels due to cholesterol drastically reduce blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain, causing disruptions in the cells responsible for mental functioning. This leads to the conclusion that cholesterol is the culprit behind the development of dementia, as it has led to disturbances in circulation. Where does cholesterol come from? Or, in other words, what is needed to prevent cholesterol from rising? Those who enjoy eating sugary and fatty foods are the victims of high cholesterol levels! It is known that the liver is responsible for producing and overproducing cholesterol. When the liver is overworked due to the excessive consumption of heavy and fatty foods, it will regulate the body’s fat levels improperly. Cholesterol-lowering and blood-thinning pills do not change this situation. An overworked liver will continue to produce unnecessary cholesterol that may not be visible in test results but is present in the body! Therefore, pills do not prevent dementia, but dementia is not a concern for vegans.


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